Thursday 26 April 2012

Active Duty Military Personnel-President Barack Obama-Honorable Discharge

Marines Right to Discharge Sergeant for Facebook Posts

COMMENTARY | According to the Associated Press, Marine Sgt. Gary Stein was not silent about his dislike of President Barack Obama. He posted on Facebook the president was an enemy and stated on March 1, "Screw Obama and I will not follow all orders from him." read more..

Marine Corps to discharge sergeant for Facebook posts critical of Obama

SAN DIEGO - A sergeant will be discharged for criticizing President Barack Obama on Facebook in a case that called into question the Pentagon's policies about social media and its limits on the speech of active duty military personnel, the Marine Corps said Wednesday. read more..

Marines discharge sergeant for Facebook posts

A sergeant will be discharged for criticizing President Barack Obama on Facebook in a case that called into question the Pentagon's policies about social media and its limits on the speech of active duty military personnel, the Marine Corps said Wednesday. read more..

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